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Cultural Tourism

The Treaty of Kiganda


German establishment in Burundi was not easy. Although the invaders settled on the east coast of Lake Tanganyika in 1896, King Mwezi Gisabo did not surrender until June 6, 1903. During the intervening years the Germans tried in vain to invade the country. German captain Von Bering was forced to look for support from dissidents to the king and found Maconco and Kirima who were claiming territories for their own. They were able to oust the king from his capital (Muramvya) and forced him to retreat to Kiganda.


Rumor has it that the king was never defeated. In fact, catholic priests of the mission of Mugera and some of his influential sons like Ntarugera had a hard time bringing the king to negotiate with the Germans. At Kiganda, on June 6, 1903, Germans were obliged to acknowledge that Mwezi Gisabo remained king of Burundi; in fact, a post run by a German was set up for his protection. In return, seated on the flat rocks of Kiganda, the king of Burundi:


  • Acknowledged the sovereignty of Germany

  • Recognized the autonomy of Maconco and Kirima respectively in Bukeye and Muramvya

  • Accepted to pay a fine of 424 cattle as reparation

  • Agreed to not hamper the action of the catholic mission of Mugera, etc.


In this region considered to be the cradle of Burundian culture, the site of Kiganda Treaty is included in a circuit that passes nearby the Kings’ valley, the monument of Rubumba trees and the cultural attractions of Gitega, before continuing towards the natural eastern sites of the country.


Rubumba Tourist and Cultural Village


The successor of a king was enthroned following a well-known ritual.

After the death of the king, while the ritualistic staff ‘Biru’ took care of the body, all the personnel of the crown and the princes, came to Mwihangarizo, where mourning was observed for three months until the enthronement of the new monarch. The place was the departure point of the investiture procession.


The ambience was very festive, enhanced by the spectacular drumming of Gishora, praise-poetry, and exhibition of different dances. It was a very important day in which all kings participated in some pre-ordained rites including planting sacred, venerated trees and groves, the living symbol of the permanence and sustainability of the Burundian monarchy and its sacredness


The sacred groves of Ntare Rugamba, Mwezi Gisabo, Mutaga Mbikije, Mwambutsa Bangiricenge, and the last of the kings of Burundi Ntare Ndizeye are still remarkable sights to view on top of Mount Rubumba.



Gishora Sacred Drum


Gishora is one of the famous drum sites of Burundi. Gishora is perched on the top of a hill at 7 km from the urban centre of Gitega). To relive the cultural tradition of Burundi one can visit the drum sanctuary of Gishora. The site recreates an architectural complex of Royal palace, rarely found elsewhere in the country. Drummers’ performances can be watched


The Intore Warrios, Kirundo


The warriors of Umwami (King) of ancient Burundi did not always have the same name; those of the first army set up in the country to defend the king against the internal rebellions or the external attacks were called ‘Intore’. Others were called ‘Ibirima’, ‘Amasuka’, ‘Abadasigana’, etc. according the symbolic representation of the valor or boldness of the warriors.

The ‘Intore’ dancers kept this military parade formerly executed by the royal warriors, back from the battlefield, to express their bravery before a delighted population awaiting them, in the presence of the King.
Dressed in leopards’ hides, and wearing a kind of wig with long sisals on their heads, a string of bells on their ankles, a necklace (in ivory), and holding a lance in the right hand and a object standing for a shield in the left hand, the dancer performed gracious movements following the rhythm of the sound of the horn of antelope, whistling and drums, in a deafening racket proper to the warrior terror. The movement of the dance changes constantly depending on the content of the poem proclaimed by the leader who organizes the show.


Today, this performance is executed during official ceremonies of the nation, as it is for other performing groups. Nevertheless, one should notice that three male dances (Drums, Agasimbo, and Intore), kept an official mark based on the ancient kingship, now become shows on official events. This historical dance is one of the attractions at northern lakes of the country, near the administrative centre of Kirundo.


Agasimbo Acrobatic Dancers, Makamba


The ‘Agasimbo’ dance is peculiar to this southern region of Burundi. Like most of male dances of Burundi, the ‘Agasimbo’ dance is performed with much deftness to prove the talent, suppleness, beauty and the physical strength of the dancers. It is an entertainment performance struck up simply for the pleasure and joy of living of the inhabitants of that region of Buragane, but also for amusing people the evenings, especially during periods of good harvest in this fertile region of the country.


This acrobatic dance requires much suppleness: the dancer spins around like a top by successively making movements according to the rhythm of the hand clapping, feet and hands alternating in touching the ground to the dictate of the refrains.


The ‘Agasimbo’ dancers have become very famous and have already brought enjoyment in many countries across the world. Today, they are regularly invited to embellish the national events or for welcoming distinguished visitors to Burundi.


This dance has existed since the monarchy and has gone through ages till date as it is passed on from father to son, in the same geographical locality.

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