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Tour Operators

Below is a list of private tour companies which can arrange visits around the country or the city. Take advantage of our small size and explore the varied regions of Burundi!

  1. Akeza Discovery Tours :            

  2. Augustine Tours :                      

  3. Burundi Safaris & Souvenirs :     

  4. Burundi Tours :                         

  5. Burundi Trek:                            

  6. Catrase S.U :                            

  7. Ecotour Grands Lacs:                 

  8. Expe-Dition Tours :                    

  9. Fantastic Voyage:                      

  10. Green Tourism Resorts:              

  11. Hoste C0.LTD :                          

  12. Ingoma Safaris:                         

  13. Intore tours:                              

  14. Jodav World Tours & Travel Agency:

  15. Manaf Tours and Travel               

  16. Marijo Tours:                              

  17. Nile Travel Agency “NITRA” :        

  18. Tanganyika Tours & Travers Agency :

  19. Tourist Friends Agency:               

  20. Team Travel Agency:                   

  21. Vista Burundi                              

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