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What if you vote for the artist BOBONA!

The artist Bobona, whose real name is Bonfils Nikuze, is in competition for “Prix Découvertes RFI 2014”. He is one of the ten African artists in contest. The represented African countries are: Burundi, Cape Verde, Namibia, the Republic of Congo, Senegal, Uganda, Cameroon, Benin, The Central African Republic and Mozambique.

The young artist, native of the northern quarter of Bujumbura, only asks you to access to and vote for him and thus to allow him to win the prestigious award. To do so means, to honor him, his mother-country, Burundi, you who vote for him and all Burundi’s friends.

The voting period closes on October 30, 2014 and the Jury is meeting on October 18. 2014. Your vote via the above website will be added to the jury’s deliberation to designate the winner.

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