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Ongoing Project: Identification and delimitation of tourist sites in Burundi

With the support of The United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), and financed by the Enhanced Integrated Framework of the National Unity for the implementation of the national strategy for a sustainable development of tourism, the National Tourism Office is currently coordinating the works and actions leading to the identification and delimitation of tourist sites existing in Burundi.

This activity is mainly based on field survey on various sites as well as talking with local administration, the representatives of local communities and riverside populations of the sites. This study will provide the inventory of all the tourist sites, that is, natural monuments, material cultural heritage, intangible heritage, festivals and events, special interest human groups and evaluation of the sites as well.

Finally, the study aims at classifying the sites as main or secondary tourist sites for international, regional and domestic tourists. The project, for the short term, will allow the delimitation of all the tourist sites and conveniently signalize them with bi-lingual information panels (French & English); marketing equipment will be produced; and a law-project will be prepared for the protection of the identified tourist sites as national tourist heritage.

National consultants and an international expert have been hired to perform the necessary tasks for this assignment.

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