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2nd edition of job fair in Burundi

The Public Garden “Jardin Public”, the renowned enjoyable place of the capital Bujumbura, hosts the employment fair in Burundi initiated by the Minister of Civil Service, Employment and Social Security, from Thursday 13th of November up to 16th of November 2014. The Second Deputy President of the Republic of Burundi, Gervais Rufyikiri has honored the opening ceremonies

This fair aims at informing about employment in Burundi. The Minister of Civil Service, Employment and Social Security, Annonciata Sendazirasa, says that it is the opportunity of facilitating contact between employers and job seekers.

As far as the representative of the main Burundian Trade Union COSYBU, Tharcisse GAHUNGU, he declares that problems related to job in Burundi are numerous even though there is not statistics about unemployment rate.

In his remarks, the Second Deputy President of the Republic of Burundi calls upon the youth to be entrepreneurs and reminds them the proverb in Kirundi that he even mentions in national language « NTAMWUGA UDAKIZA KIRETSE UWO KUROGA » translated as all job is good that allows one to earn their living.

Other speeches were delivered by the representatives of the partners of the Government of Burundi such as IFAD and BAD presenting their accomplishment relating to projects generating employment in Burundi.

While visiting stands, one could notice that the young begin to get involved in entrepreneurship. An example is the young man from Cibitoke province, Richard Nibitanga, who has initiated the craft of fabrics staining and currently employs 12 young people.

The exhibition has gathered the operators of the private sector and the public administration as well. Various stands are erected in this magnificent enjoyable place, to let visitors know their daily activities.

Let’s mention that the first edition of employment fair in Burundi was held in 2012.

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