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Burundi to the head of COMIFAC

The Central African Forests Commission (COMIFAC: Commission des Forêts d’Afrique Centrale) is now headed by Burundi. Opening ceremonies took place in Bujumbura this January 14th, 2015. COMIFAC came into being in 1999 and includes ten central African countries. All members alternatively lead the Commission for two years.

The Minister for Water, Environment, Territory Planning and Urban Development, Mr. Jean Claude Nduwayo who launched the activities of the commission, says that Burundi will get a lot of dividends from being to the head of the COMIFAC for environment protection projects will be funded and target population will benefit from them as far as employment and poverty reduction are concerned.

It is worth mentioning that Burundi is located on a plateau enjoying an equatorial temperate climate which allows a development of mountain specific forest. Forest resources are mainly exploited to meet the population’s needs in wood, energy and are taken from fast growing tree species ( Eucalyptus spp, Grevillea, spp, Acacia spp).

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