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Burundi, World Tourism Day 2015

The ceremonies of the World Tourism Day took place this Saturday 26th September, 2015 at National Museum of Gitega. Before the beginning of the main ceremonies, authorities have joined the population of Tankoma, Gitega Commune, in community works. After that, the minister in charge of Tourism visited the National Museum of Gitega accompanied with some authorities.

The first speech has been delivered by the Governor of Gitega Province who has wished a warm welcome to all guests and the public having attended the event. In his speech, he mentioned some important elements drowing tourists in the country including peace and security. Moreover, Gitega has many tourist attractions like Drums, the National Museum, spring water and tourist accommodations. He ended his speech by calling authorities in charge of tourism sector to support Gitega in developing the tourist places and by thanking the National Tourism office for choosing Gitega to be at the hub the World Tourism Day in Burundi.

As far as the Director General of Burundi National Tourism Office, Mr. Léonidas Habonimana, is concerned, he has reminded the main role of the tourism sector, economically, socially and diplomatically. The contribution of that sector in the countries already developed is uncountable. Tourism is among biggest creators of job opportunities.

Mr. Habonimana has also announced the projects which are done and on-going ones like the inventory of 127 tourist sites in Burundi, census of tourist accommodations in the province of Gitega, Ngozi and Bujumbura-Mairie, participation of Burundi International tourism fairs with the aim of promoting Burundi Image. Some on-going projects are about the classification of hotels according to EAC standards, African Tourism Forum with a headquarter in Bujumbura ,redevelopment of tourist sites like Livingstone and Stanley meeting place, and the Sanctuary of the Sacred Drums of Gishora, etc..

The Director General of Burundi National Tourism Office has also mentioned the challenges the office is facing: luck of resources to implement the National Strategy of tourism sustainable development, some Burundians who are busy talking negative side of their country instead of talking wonders, tourist potentialities in order to stimulate visitors who are willing to come to Burundi. Hence, he urged everyone to work for the development of Burundi tourism sector.

The Sectoral Chamber of Hotels and Tourism represented by his Vice President, Mr. Denis Nshimirimana saluted the action of the government of Burundi for setting up the Investment Promotion Authority (IPA) as an institution facilitating in the tourism sector and other economics operators.

The Vice President of the Sectoral Chamber of Hotels and Tourism said that some steps need to be made especially facilities in getting visas at all Burundian’s boarders, usage of National Identity Card in EAC countries, which is already working in Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda, the introduction of single Tourist Visa in EAC countries, reduction of flight tickets for Burundi destination. He asked Burundi authorities to involve private sector in developing tourist attractions. He didn’t miss inviting Burundian population particularly authorities to visit the tourist sites in order to know the beauty of their country so that they can sell a product they really know.

By tracing the history of the World Tourism Day, the Minister in charge of tourism, Mrs. Pélate NIYONKURU, has explained the reason of choosing the province of Gitega for the celebration of this event- it is the mother province of the Sacred Drums of Burundi, she said. She also indicated the contribution of the tourist sector in national economy (GDP) and foreign currency flowing in the country. Speaking of the theme chosen by the UNWTO this year.”One Billion Tourists, One Billion opportunities”: Mrs. Niyonkuru said that when tourists come in a country, they need various services as accommodation, transport, restaurants, entertainment, etc., all those services have to be paid for which proves that the tourist sector contributes in the job creation, increment of revenue of the population, tax revenue and availability of foreign currency in the country. She called everyone to work hard for the promotion of tourism sector in Burundi

Let’s mention that many Burundian authorities attended the ceremonies such as ministers; MPs and Senators,. As in other public events, the ceremonies were adorned by drummers and other traditional group dancers.

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